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October 17, 2013

Ten Statements About Teaching

Kevin Werbach:

I'm participating in the #WWEOpen13 MOOC about open online teaching. For the first unit, we were asked to post our "teaching philosophy." These kinds of questions typically tie me in knots. They seem inherently circular and unsolvable: to say how I should teach, I need to know what students need to learn, which isn't something I can just declare. For whatever reason, this time I was able to tap out ten statements. I don't know that I'd call them a philosophy, but they ring true as commitments I feel comfortable with.

Good teaching is good learning... for both the student and the instructor. Learning means new connections and themes and lessons that weren't there at the beginning.

I believe in a balance between what the instructor and the students contribute. Teaching shouldn't be a monologue, but it also shouldn't be purely a peer conversation: students want the guidance and validation and knowledge that the instructor can orchestrate.

Every student should feel they are part of the experience and encouraged to contribute their unique perspectives. In particular, students should not be unfairly disadvantaged by factors such as gender, race, national origin, language, or disability.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 17, 2013 12:01 AM
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