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October 12, 2013

Why I Stopped Writing Recommendation Letters for Teach for America

Catherine Michna:

For the past nine years, I've been an instructor, a Ph.D. student, adjunct professor, and post-doctoral fellow in humanities departments at several different universities. During this time, many students have asked me to write recommendations for Teach for America. My students generally have little to no experience or training as teachers, but they are lured by TFA's promises that they can help close the education gap for children in low-income communities. For humanities majors, TFA is a clear path to a job that both pays a living wage and provides a stepping stone to leadership positions in a cause of national importance.

I understand why my students find so much hope in TFA. I empathize with them. In fact, I'm a former Teach for America corps member myself. But unless they are education majors--and most of them aren't--I no longer write Teach for America letters of recommendation for my students. I urge my higher-ed colleagues to do the same.

There is a movement rising in every city of this country that seeks true education reform--not the kind funded by billionaires, corporations, and hedge funds, and organized around their values. This movement consists of public school parents and students, veteran teachers, and ex-TFA corps members. It also consists of a national network of college students, such as those in Students United for Public Education, who talk about the damage TFA is inflicting on communities and public schools. These groups and others also acknowledge the relationship between the corporatization of higher education and the vast impact of corporate reform on our youngest and most needy children. It is these children who are harmed by the never-ending cycle of under-trained, uncertified, first- and second-year teachers that now populates disadvantaged schools, and by the data-obsessed approach to education that is enabled by these inexperienced teachers.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 12, 2013 12:05 AM
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