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November 2, 2013

10 myths about faith-based schools


We've heard the myths before. Parents can't receive public support for their children to attend a faith-based school because that would violate constitutional restrictions. Faith-based schools are selective and homogenous. Faith-based schools shred the social fabric and civic unity. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the myths persist. And, in doing so, they continue to hamper efforts to bring faith-based schools fully into the panoply of choices from which all parent should be able to choose - and which compose public education in the 21st Century.

In its first report to the nation, "Religious Schools in America: A Proud History and Perilous Future," the Commission on Faith-based Schools lists 10 of these myths - along with the facts that dispel them. The commission is a product of the American Center for School Choice, which co-hosts this blog. Its aim: To cast a brighter spotlight on the value and plight of faith-based schools, which are declining in urban areas where they have long been part of the solution in educating low-income children. The commission is holding a leadership summit in New York City on Nov. 19, where the report will be released. We'll bring you more information in future posts. In the meantime, we thought the 10 myths worth sharing on their own.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 2, 2013 12:32 AM
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