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November 20, 2013

Act 10: "Attorney General to Public Employees: We Will Crush You"

Madison Teachers, Inc. Solidarity Newsletter, via a kind Jeannie Kamholtz email (PDF):

Last Monday's Supreme Court hearing, scheduled for 90 minutes, went almost four hours, given numerous comments and questions from the Justices - all seven participating to some degree. The resultant responses caused tension, such as Attorney General Van Hollen's response to Justice Ann Walsh Bradley's comment, "aren't the parties' arguments like ships passing in the night?" Van Hollen retorted that the two ships, "... are on a collision course" and "the State has a bigger ship and we shall win!"

As The Progressive editor Ruth Conniff wrote of the exchange, "That pretty much sums up the Walker Administration's attitude toward the teachers, janitors, clerks, and municipal employees it seeks to disempower through Act 10. The state is bigger and stronger, Walker, Van Hollen, and their allies argue, and will not be deterred by public outcry, mass protests, or even the courts."

MTI legal counsel Lester Pines, when presenting the Union's argument resurrected the ship analogy, telling Van Hollen that, "The Titanic was a big ship too, compared to the relatively small iceberg that caused it to sink." Pines added that the administration's Act 10, like the Titanic, has hit an iceberg, and that the iceberg in this case is the Wisconsin Constitution.

In his argument, Pines told the Court that the fundamental argument came down to Constitutional rights. Pines' claim led to Van Hollen claiming, "There is no constitutional right to collective bargaining."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 20, 2013 12:36 AM
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