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November 17, 2013

Artists, students call Joseph Gatto 'great educator of the arts'

Ari Bloomekatz:

Artists and art students from around Greater Los Angeles remembered art teacher Joseph Gatto, who was found shot to death in his Silver Lake home, as a great educator and promoter of the arts.

Artist Robert Vargas, who did the mural in downtown L.A. on the corner of 6thand Spring streets, said Gatto "was a pillar in my foundation as a young artist."
Vargas was a student at Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and graduated in 1993. The most important class he remembered with Gatto was figure drawing in which half of the class would draw and the other half critique.
"His teaching style was very honest; it was very direct. I think his honesty and his intentions were always sincere," Vargas sad. "He challenged and inspired us to pull from within ourselves and not be afraid of that path of discovery, wherever that may lead us."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 17, 2013 12:18 AM
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