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November 19, 2013

Madison schools should offer universal free breakfast and lunch for students

Catherine Capellaro:

A couple of weeks ago, Leo, a freshman at East High School, carried a plate of spaghetti through the school lunch line. But the food service worker said he couldn't keep the food on his tray.

The money in Leo's lunch account had run out, and his "temporary meal status" had expired.

Leo left the line, but something compelled him to go back up. He asked what they were going to do with his lunch, and the woman said she had to throw it away.

"Can I just have it then?" he asked. But policy is policy. Leo's lunch went to the landfill.

Leo's brother Julian gave him some bread.

This story would upset me if I heard it about any kid. But Leo's my son, so I really couldn't shake the image. Mother mammals want their kids to be fed. I called the 9th grade office, and I called the Food & Nutrition office, and gave them both a piece of my mind.

They said they should have given Leo something to eat. Like more than half of the kids in the Madison school district, our kids are eligible for free and reduced lunch.

It happened again Tuesday. This time, he tried to get a hamburger, but his "status" only entitled him to a sandwich, milk and fruit. Leo waited five minutes for the sandwich. Then he gave up.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 19, 2013 12:48 AM
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