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November 15, 2013

Mobilizing Parents to Support Governance Reform

Paul Hill, via a kind Deb Britt email:

Last week, three cities pursuing portfolio strategies held elections. In Denver, voters kept a pro-reform majority on the school board. In Boston, a strong pro-reform mayoral candidate lost, but to a man who serves on a charter school board and favors continued charter expansion. In New York, the mayoralty was won by a candidate who adopted anti-reform rhetoric but in truth kept his options open.

In each of these three cities, education reforms are working; schools are markedly improving. Yet as a proxy for reform support, the vote tallies were mixed. Why is that?

Smart education leaders know that families are the indispensible constituency. If parents don't think their schools are getting better, they won't buy in to ongoing reforms. Reformers reason that if parents know their children are learning more and are in safer, more supportive schools, they will support the reforms they believe are working.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 15, 2013 1:15 AM
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