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November 18, 2013

Reactions to Sebastian Thrun's Fast Company hagiography

Kris Olds:

Who is troubled by this week's Sebastian Thrun hagiography ('Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, Godfather Of Free Online Education, Changes Course') in Fast Company, as well as this announcement ('Launching our Data Science & Big Data Track built with Leading Industry Partners') via the Udacity blog (both posted on 14 November 2013)? A lot of committed open education thinkers and practitioners, so it seems, and not merely because of the hype machine Thrun so evidently cultivates (I'll leave aside the possible negative reaction to Thrun getting photographed in Lycra tights through a filter borrowed from a 1970s Swedish cinematographer, or the journalist's attempt to throw in a clichéd Matrix reference):

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 18, 2013 12:49 AM
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