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November 15, 2013

Say Kaddish for Lakewood's Upswing in Public/Private Education Equity

Laura Waters:

Parents of in-district kids formed a group called Lakewood Unite, an advocacy group with a mission "to make the public aware of the many issues in the Lakewood Public School District" and "to address the inequities in the Lakewood School District Special Education Program." They started video-taping school board meetings and also secured a meeting with Ed. Comm. Chris Cerf.

Three years ago voters ousted some long-time school board members who were under the thumb of both the local Rabbinate and the lawyer who pretty much ran the district. (For years he not only collected attorney fees but also collected salary and benefits under the unusual title of "Out-of-District Special Education Supervisor. This title was in deference to the lawyer's able representation of Jewish families who had children with special needs and wanted their kids to attend, at district expense, a private special needs school,The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence, which operates under a pretense of secularity but is actually a Jewish school. Tuition tops $100,000 per student per year. (Some backgroundhere.)

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 15, 2013 12:06 AM
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