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December 6, 2013

New Madison school district standards for program operators helpful, says Urban League CEO

Pat Schneider:

The agreement for Scholars Academy was one of about 10 being developed as part of a process to make sure that all programs provided by outside organizations are in alignment with the school district's strategic plan for closing the achievement gap, says Jessica Hankey, director of strategic partnerships and innovation for the district.

As part of a policy for community partnerships adopted by the district in February, the district is looking critically at how programs that partners offer are benefiting students, Hankey says.

There are more of those programs than you might imagine. Hankey says a "diverse portfolio" of up to 150 programs is offered to school district students by outside organizations. Some, like 100 Black Men of Madison's Backpacks for Success, involve minimal participation by the district. Others, like some MSCR programs, are not focused primarily on academics.

The agreements now being developed in collaboration with the partnership organizations are focusing on programs with "high intensity" alignment with the district's mission. They cover such things as goals, collaboration with school principals, program staff structure, sharing of data and metrics to measure outcomes, Hankey says.

Are current school district programs held to the same standard?

Posted by Jim Zellmer at December 6, 2013 12:33 AM
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