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December 3, 2013

'Record IQ is just another talent'

Hwang Jurie:

What will people think of 16-month-old wonder child Jonathon Rader, able to play various musical instruments, if he decides not to pursue a career as a musician?

The answer seems to be "a failure," when hearing the story from Kim Ung-yong, a 48-year-old record holder for the world's highest intelligence quotient, in an interview with The Korea Herald.

"I was famous for having a 210 IQ and being able to solve intricate math equations at the age of four," Kim said, adding, "Apparently, the media belittled the fact that I chose to work in a business planning department at Chungbuk Development Corporation."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at December 3, 2013 12:43 AM
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