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January 15, 2014

Academic Kindness A record of unsolicited kindness, unexpected goodwill, and excessive generosity in academia.

Academic Kindness:

was spending time at my undergraduate school's library putting the final touches on my Masters thesis, and I stopped in to the student union for lunch. While in line, I ran into a professor emeritus that I had taken classes from as an undergraduate. He asked what I was up to, as well as asking why I was on campus a year or so after graduating. I told him about my thesis, and that I was graduating in two weeks, and he told me to submit my CV to the department chair.

Two weeks later?

Masters degree in one hand and a very lucrative adjunct position in the other! This same department also went out of its way (when I was leaving!) to help me with my Ph.D. application materials.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 15, 2014 12:53 AM
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