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January 22, 2014

Hey, guilty liberals, how about OK for Madison Prep?

David Blaska:

Nobody does guilt like a Madison liberal! The president of the Madison School Board tells me that I really didn't make that. All along, I have been swimming in the water of white privilege.

I wish Ed Hughes had told me about white privilege when, growing up on the farm, I was mucking out the old barn with a shovel. I knew I was swimming in something but I didn't think it was white privilege.

Ed is an honorable public servant, mindful of the dismayingly poor unemployment, incarceration, and graduation rates among people of color here in the Emerald City.

"We white folks pretty much get to set the rules in Madison," Hughes apologizes. He meant "liberal white folks." They've been running Madison for 40 years, since Paul Soglin first became mayor. It's 50 years since LBJ's Great Society. Something besides the Obamacare website ain't workin'.

Allow this Madison minority -- I'm a conservative -- to propose a fix: If a crusading young black educator named Kaleem Caire returns to the Madison School Board with a plan for a school focused on tackling minority underachievement, give it a chance! Ed, you voted with the majority to kill Madison Prep.

Much more on the rejected Madison Preparatory Academy IB Charter School, here.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 22, 2014 12:17 AM
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