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January 19, 2014

How Do You Teach Kids the Value of Money?

JD Roth:

At the grocery store yesterday, I passed a man and his daughter in the snack aisle. She was maybe ten or eleven, a little overweight, and begging for cookies. He was tall and muscular, a blue-collar type, clearly exasperated with her. "You have no conception of how hard your mother and I work to earn money, do you?" he said. There was desperation in his voice.

This brief encounter has been in my mind ever since. It reminds me of something I read over at the Seeds of Wisdom forum. Jim Anthony shared a story about how he is teaching his six-year-old the value of money. Anthony doesn't like the idea of just giving his son money -- he thought it created an "entitlement mentality" -- but he doesn't like the idea of tying the allowance to chores, either.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 19, 2014 12:37 AM
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