January 29, 2006
Finance and Operations Committee Update
It’s been awhile since the last update. So here’s what the Finance and Operations Committee has been doing and will be doing in the near future…
The last meeting of the Sub-Committee on Advertising will take place on February 8th (hopefully). The results will be shared with the board soon after. Unfortunately, because of the winter break/holiday season, scheduling conflicts and religious holidays this committee could finish its charge until now. I’m very hopeful that the recommendations will be helpful to the district to identify new revenue sources.
On January 4, 2006 the Board heard from Ken Syke regarding the topic of “Better Communication with the public”. This topic stemmed from a F&O committee meeting on June 13th. A communications matrix was developed by district staff and given to board members regarding things the district was doing now and possibilities of future communication vehicles. Attached is the information.
On Tuesday January 17th, 2006, the F&O Committee heard from auditors regarding the 2004-05 school district audit. The committee also heard of proposals for cell towers on district property and referred it to the entire school board for review. Many school districts are receiving compensation for having cell antennas on schools or fixtures. Again, this is another revenue generating venture.
On Monday February 6th, the F&O committee will receive reports on the $100 Budget process, construction costs (they’re rising surprise, surprise), shared costs (the district will split the revenue with individual schools who save on utility bills), recycling report, and a 5-year budget forecast.
Upcoming topics/committee goals but unscheduled:
1. Review of State and Federal Mandates
2. Board Members suggestions to the management team i.e.
a. increasing class sizes in certain areas
b. increase in fees*
c. suggest changes in curriculum or how its delivered
Posted by Johnny Winston, Jr. at 6:46 AM
October 29, 2005
Finance and Operating Committee Goals UPDATE from May to October 28th
Finance and Operating Committee Goals UPDATE
New Budget Process that will encompass the following:
1. State and Federal Mandates
2. Affirmation of Board Goals and Strategic Priorities*
3. Board Members suggestions to the management team i.e.
a. increasing class sizes in certain areas
b. increase in fees*
c. suggest changes in curriculum or how its delivered
Timeline: Spring ‘06
*Action Taken: #2 affirmed by use during the Superintendent Evaluation
3b beginning discussion 10/17
**Development of $100 Budget Process for community participation in budget process
The 2005-06 Budget will produce 3 books
1. Superintendents proposed budget that will move away from same service
2. BOE will propose amendments
3. Final Adopted Budget
Timeline: Spring ‘06
*Action Taken: None
**Athletics and Capital (Referendum Monies) will be separated.
Policy Changes
1. Business Partnerships/Advertising*
2. Naming Rights*
Timeline: Active
*Action Taken: Sub-Committee formed by Board of Education
Fund 80
1. Reports of programs funded by Fund 80*
2. Cost recovery of adult programs*
Timeline: Complete
Action Taken: #1 On 10/17 reports were given by the staff of the African American Ethnic Academy, Project Bootstrap, Urban League, and Centro Hispano. #2 Cost recovery of adult programs is a charge of the Partnership Committee. MSCR gave a report to the committee on 10/24
Future Land Acquisition
1. For new schools
Timeline: Active
*Action Taken: BOE meeting in Executive Session
Better Communication with the public via
1. MMSD e-newsletter
2. Cable Channel 10
3. and school newsletters
4. We will also communicate thru non-traditional means such as Blog sites, list serves and others.
Timeline: Active
*Action Taken: BOE meeting November 28
Six F/O committee meetings have been held on:
October 17, 2005
September 26, 2005
August 29, 2005
August 8, 2005
June 13, 2005
June 6, 2005
Posted by Johnny Winston, Jr. at 4:30 AM