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March 8, 2006

Performance and Achievement Meeting of 06-Mar-2006

The March 6, 2006 Performance and Achievement Committee meeting concerns the funding and accomplishments of the MMSD Summer School program.

The video QT Video of the meeting is 61.5MB and 42 minutes long. Click on the image at left to watch the video. The video contains chapter headings which allow quick navigation to each speakers presentations.

There was one public presentation by La Follette student Christina Harper ("Cat") who argued for reconsideration of the MMSD "no hats" policy. She also brought petitions signed by approximately 200 other students in support of her position.

The formal presentation to the Board was conducted by Steve Hartley, Director of Alternative Programs, and coordinator of the Summer School programs.

A number of papers were made available: an Executive Summary, the 2005 Summer School Participation Report, English Language Summer School (ELSS) Identification Process paper, and Summer 2006 Summer School Sites, Programs, and Staffing document. These documents are included in this combined PDF file. Thanks to Barb Lehman for sending this document.

Posted by Larry Winkler at March 8, 2006 9:31 PM


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