Option CP 3a Updated 5-30-2006 All numbers are K5 Only
Text Box: New addition at Leopold.  New school far West Side.  Multiple Boundary Changes
Building Space Use Among Schools
  Range High Low Average
Total Elem Schools Affected: 7[1] Current 27% 108% 81% 94%
Total K5 Students Moved 513 After 19% 97% 78% 86%
Total K5 Low Income Moved: 215
Balancing Low Income Among Schools
  Range High Low Average
Current 44% 64% 20% #REF!
After 47% 64% 17% #REF!
Boundary Data from 3rd Friday in September 2005         CP 3a CP3a 5-30-2006       Projection Without Changes    
Students Living in Attendance Boundary Actual Students Enrolled Building Capacity % of Capacity % Low Income New Capacity Adjusted Enrollment Seats Available % of Capacity % Low Income 2011 Proj K5 % of Capacity Net Effect Anticipated Developments*
Allis/Nuestro Mundo 524 534 549 95% 58%   524   95% 58% 675 123%  
Chavez 610 594 583 105% 26% 583 456 127 78% 17% 714 122%  
Crestwood 382 387 432 88% 20% 432 371 61 86% 39% 471 109%  
Falk 373 359 372 100% 55% 372 324 48 87% 56% 399 107%  
New West Side School na na na na na 583 313 270 54% 29% na na 183
Huegel 479 456 470 102% 44% 470 372 98 79% 42% 498 106%  
Muir 381 399 451 84% 30% 451 414 37 92% 29% 434 96%  
Orchard Ridge 245 257 301 81% 38% 301 245 56 81% 38% 278 92%  
Stephens 504 494 508 99% 27% 508 492 16 97% 30% 661 130%  
Total Memorial Area 2974 2946 3117 95% 23% 3700 2987 713 81% #REF! 3455 111% 183
Frank-Rand 663 694 724 92% 22% 724 663 61 92% 22% 712 98%  
Leopold 708 678 655 108% 50% 735 708 27 96% 50% 762 116%  
Lindbergh 200 248 248 81% 64% 248 200 48 81% 64% 239 96%  
Midv-Linc 736 697 834 88% 64% 834 736 98 88% 64% 741 89%  
Sandburg 302 296 357 85% 47% 357 302 55 85% 47% 348 97%  
Schenk 377 368 395 95% 59% 395 377 18 95% 59% 458 116%  
Shorewood 385 443 470 82% 28% 470 385 85 82% 28% 443 94%  
Thoreau 420 411 432 97% 48% 432 407 25 94% 45% 386 89%  
Van Hise 291 299 306 95% 23% 306 291 15 95% 23% 310 102%  
Total West Area 3203 3222 3421 94% 43% 3501 3190 311 91% #REF! 3355 98%  
Total 6177 6168 6538 94% #REF! 7201 6177 1024 86% #REF! 6810 104%  
TOTAL STUDENTS MOVED             513     215      
Allied Drive to Crestwood (92) and Stephens (99). Assumption that current students will be grandfathered. No students moved.
* This is the estimated net additional students due to the development being assigned/reassigned.

Must count enter manually.