Don Severson, President, 608/238-8300, Madison



Following is a proposal for funding of extra-curricular activities in the Madison Metropolitan School District.


  1. MMSD Board of Education (BOE) define and identify all activities that it deems are extra-curricular

·      As differentiated from academic courses required by state standards and or MMSD graduation requirements

·      Not differentiated by whether during school day time or after school


  1. BOE establish a policy that ALL extra-curricular activities are important, valued and will be included in the processes for determining the funding system


  1. Apply cost analysis methodologies equally to ALL activities defined as extra-curricular


  1. Move to establish an “Advisory Council” of extra-curricular activities representatives


  1. Move to establish a multi-tier funding system

                                               i.     could be done by staff, participants, parents, volunteers, etc. for each activity; or,

                                             ii.     could be done by staff, participants, parents, volunteers, etc. for all activities combined into a central fund for allocation to each activity

                                               i.     Preferable to establish a stand-alone foundation governed by a board of directors

                                             ii.     Could be a separate foundation ‘attached’ to the existing foundation supporting the district for different purposes




Regardless of the cost of an extra-curricular activity the base-line percentage would apply equally to each activity

XX% Tax supported operations revenue

XX% Fees

XX% Fund raising

XX% Foundation

            100% covering the specific cost, as analyzed, for each activity

