Taxpayer Information I’d like to see from the Madison School District
Given this and the probability of three spending referendums this spring, I would like to see the Madison School District’s finance folks publish the following information (in html, on their web site):
The District’s sources and uses of funds over the past 10 years, including:
- total spending (education, special ed, services, staff/admin, other)
- Employment numbers (teachers, staff, part time, mscr)
- revenues (by source: grants, local taxes, state & federal funds), fees
- Student counts, including low income changes, special ed and population changes across the district (from school to school)
- Supporting numbers, notes and comments to the data.
This type of detailed, background information would be rather useful to all Madison citizens as we contemplate further increases in education spending. There’s been some discussion of eliminating the deduction for state & local taxes for federal tax purposes. IF that happens, there will be quite a blowback from places like Wisconsin that have relatively high taxes.