I Care, but I think too.

If I have to hear or read another article about how I don’t CARE about Madison Schools or the kids because I think and analyze before I vote, I will scream. I voted today, thanks for the applause, and I voted No, Yes, Yes. So I guess I CARE 2/3 of the time right?
I CARE about the whole district and after careful analysis of the situation I am convinced the district needs another school, just not on the Leopold site. I feel a school located in a more general location that could accommodate students from the (higher income) west growth, (higher income)Leopold growth and perhaps be a home school for Allied Drive would be a more logical location for the whole district. Also I am concerned about the Ridgewood Apartments and the size of the proposed school if the numbers change due to that large complex.

I CARE enough that I volunteer twice a week at MMSD. I see first hand the struggles, but I also sometimes see the waste. I analyze that every year because I think the schools should be run efficiently. I CARE about how money is spent because if it were spent efficiently we would not have to say good-bye to no cut athletics and strings bi-weekly. I CARE when I see an aid at a Jr. High spend 1/2 the day reading books in the library because they do not want to cut her full time status yet she has no students in the afternoon. I CARE that every Monday afternoon’s elementary inservice time for the teachers may not be used as contracted. I CARE that my son never received true TAG services because there is no money. I CARE that the legislation is not supporting S.E. and ESL and I write my state reps all the time. I CARE the state and federal government is spending less on education than they mandate and I write my congressman, senators, and I vote. I CARE so much that I volunteer on countless committees and give significant amounts of money to our schools. I CARE so much sometimes it hurts. But I do CARE if money is just thrown at a problem. Ever seen a spoiled child? Money doesn’t cure them, discipline and love do. Throwing money without questioning the results is a classic educational method. My new high school 25 years ago was build with no divider walls to “Open up the educational experience ….several million dollars later we had to put up walls. Whole language was great, until you had to spell and take the SAT. Ideas are great, money is wonderful, enthusiasm helps, but lets not stop thinking when it comes to financing our kids education.
Why two yes votes? I like good roofs and I keep hoping MMSD might CARE enough about the computer age to join. And lastly, I wanted to vote no on the increase spending to send a message but since the budget is too overwhelming for me to comprehend (like how does the district say it cut so many positions but the number of staff has increased over the years) I am handing my vote and money to the district, just as I also hand them my three children everyday. And, I happen to CARE a lot about them. Is it a smart vote? Who knows but I thought hard and long because I CARE about the process and the outcome over time for all the kids.