A Few More 11/7/2006 Referendum Links
- Support Smart Management: Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Board:
Taxpayers in the Madison School District should demand that the School Board be smarter about managing the district’s money and resources.
On Tuesday’s ballot is a school referendum containing three smart proposals.
That’s why the referendum deserves voters’ support.
More important than the referendum, however, is what happens next. The School Board is confronting difficult choices, including how to respond to rapid growth in areas where there are no schools while in other parts of the city, schools have excess space.
A pivotal question in upcoming months will be: Does the board have the courage to close a school? While the rapidly growing Far West Side merits a new school, other parts of Madison are experiencing declining student populations.
Taxpayers can’t afford to build schools where the children are while maintaining schools where the children aren’t.
At least one school should eventually be closed and sold, with boundary changes to distribute children to other schools.- Another Referendum: WKOW-TV:
This referendum is different from the last – it has one question, with three parts. In 2005, just one issue of a three-part question passed. Voters passed a plan for building renovations, but they said voted down a second school on the Leopold Elementary site, and to exceeding the revenue cap
Monday night, spokesperson Ken Syke pointed out that since at 1993 no MMSD referendum has fully failed-at least one issue has always passed.- Don Severson & Vicki McKenna discuss the referendum question and a District email to MSCR users [mp3 audio]
Many more links here.