Advertising & Schools
t’s just a logo and a phone number, says Arlene Silveira, president of the Madison School Board.
But to members of TAME, Truth and Alternatives to Militarism in Education, the “Army Strong” ad that has cropped up on scoreboards at stadiums and gymnasiums this fall looks a lot like an endorsement of an Army future for Madison high school students.
“Students are at an age to figure out what to do with their lives,” parent and TAME member Vicki Berenson said Thursday. “When they see ‘Army’ on the field every day, it starts to seem normal.”
TAME is urging parents and others concerned over military recruitment in the high schools to come to the School Board meeting Monday to protest outside school district headquarters at 545 W. Dayton St., then head inside to sign up at 6:50 p.m. to speak out against the ads.