Rita Truschel:

Lee only just emerged as an active campaigner since the Sept. 9 primary elections. He was a late and reluctant draftee in May, after former Happy Harry’s drugstore executive Alan Levin unexpectedly backed out in January. Since then, Lee’s strategy was more about freezing out Republican primary opponent Mike Protack than honing his own positions.
So here we are a month before election day, with Lee finally on the spot to explain himself. The University of Delaware’s Clayton Hall auditorium was full of hundreds of people knowledgeable and focused on education. And Lee declared he wouldn’t deviate from the Vision 2015 plan in which many of them had had a hand.
So why was there laughter?
The trouble is Lee didn’t seem to have a sense that there is serious dissent even among the framers of Vision 2015 about elements such as consolidated purchasing and changing teacher compensation. There are political fights in all corners.