The NewsHour:

JUDY WOODRUFF: Next, the new secretary of education and what’s on his plate. President Obama earlier this week called for big changes in education. The NewsHour’s special correspondent for education, John Merrow, has a look at how the president’s point-man plans to approach that.
JOHN MERROW, NewsHour Correspondent: This time last year, former pro basketball player Arne Duncan was leading the Chicago public schools and occasionally playing basketball with friends, including then-Senator Barack Obama. A lot has changed since then.
BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States: I think we are putting together the best basketball-playing cabinet in American history.
JOHN MERROW: Thanks to President Obama, Arne Duncan has the opportunity to become the most powerful U.S. secretary of education ever.
ARNE DUNCAN, Secretary of Education: This was not something I aspired to do. Frankly, were it anyone but him, I wouldn’t probably do it.