In Urban Classrooms, the Least Experienced Teach the Neediest Kids

MaryEllen McGuire:

Imagine for a moment that you are driving your child to the hospital. She has a high fever and is suffering from severe abdominal pain. It’s unclear what’s wrong but she is in definite need of medical attention.
Now imagine that the only doctor on call is a recently graduated medical student. It’s her first day on the job and there is no experienced physician or surgeon available for consultation. Are you satisfied with this level of care for your child? I wouldn’t be. I’d want to benefit from the knowledge of a more experienced physician. Wouldn’t you?
Unfortunately, a similar scenario is playing out in America’s urban classrooms with shocking regularity. Teachers with the least experience are educating the most disadvantaged students in the highest poverty, most challenging schools. Low-income kids are being “triaged” not by experienced teachers, but by those with fewer than three years of teaching to go on.
Does it matter? Absolutely. According to the research, teacher experience is at least a partial predictor of success in the classroom and, at present, one of the only approximations for teacher quality widely available. Experienced teachers tend to have better classroom management skills and a stronger command of curricular materials. Novice teachers on the other hand struggle during their initial years in any classroom.