Erin Richards:

After a Milwaukee School Board vote that created a new accountability office, the superintendent and two board members said the restructuring won’t improve the efficiency of the bureaucracy and may hurt the district’s chances of securing a high-flying new superintendent.
Superintendent William Andrekopoulos strongly opposed the accountability services office proposal, led by School Board President Michael Bonds. Andrekopoulos told the School Board Thursday that it creates a difficult-to-lead “bifurcated system” and takes away from the superintendent key powers, such as heading charter schools and governmental lobbying efforts. He added the plan was not discussed openly with the public or district employees who would be affected.
Changing the district’s organization was based on “fundamental misunderstandings of the existing system” and would “distract from the current efforts to improve the district’s financial and educational position,” he said.
The board approved the new office and job description of its leader Thursday night in a 5-2 vote, with members Jeff Spence and Bruce Thompson opposed and Tim Petersons voting “present.” David Voeltner was absent from the special board meeting.