New Straits Times:

On the National Key Result Areas, the deputy premier said there were four areas that touched on education.
The first was on efforts for all children to attend pre-school from the present 63 per cent only. Starting next year, he said new schools would be built, starting with 378 classrooms, and in three years, all children would be able to attend pre-school.
“From our research, we found that pre-school is very important and we want to make it possible for everyone to send their children.”
Secondly, Muhyiddin said it was the government’s target that all children could read and count by the time they were in Year Three.
“We will identify weak students in Year One itself and provide special classes for them to ensure they are not left behind,” he said.
The third area was to identify 100 schools in the next three years to be converted into high performance schools. These schools, Muhyiddin said, would cater for excellent students and receive additional assistance from the government.