Kevin Carey:

The 2009 state NAEP math results were released today, and they’re disappointing. Fourth grade scores, which have been a great and under-recognized success story over the last two decades, were flat. Eighth grade scores rose slightly. What to conclude? Most broadly, that most of the claims about national education policy, pro and con, have been overwrought.
Supporters of the No Child Left Behind Act-and I’ve generally been one of them-hoped that the law would catalyze a major upward move in student achievement. That hasn’t happened. Perhaps it’s because every state got to choose its own standards; perhaps it’s because the law did little to get better teachers in classrooms; perhaps it’s because yawning revenue disparities between and within states were largely unaddressed. Whatever was missing, something was missing, probably many things, and the next version of ESEA will need significant changes if we want to achieve more than just more of the same.