Mike Antonucci:

It takes a special statement to become the EIA Communiqué Quote of the Week, and a singular one to be included as one of the Quotes of the Year. So you can imagine how difficult it was to choose the Quotes of the Decade. I found it impossible to chop it down to 10, so here are the 17 most memorable quotes of the 2000s, in countdown order. I have cited the source but have not embedded the original links, since many of them no longer exist.
17) “The nice thing about reducing class size is that it makes teachers happy in their own right and it’s the one thing that we know how to do.” – Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, education policy professor at the University of Chicago. (February 22, 2009 New York Times)
16) “With increasing cost of college loans and health care and the fact that the buying power of the teacher dollar is no more than what it was 20 years ago, we’re pretty much back to where we were when I started teaching in the 1960s. I had to work in the summer to eat.” – Cheryl Umberger of the Tennessee Education Association. (May 23, 2008 Tennessean)
15) “What would we really do differently if we really did listen to our members? First, we would very rarely, if ever again, give a cent to a politician or a political party.” – former Ohio Education Association Executive Director Robert Barkley, giving his farewell speech at OEA’s Representative Assembly in December 2000.
14) “You deserve a President who understands what I’m about to say.” – U.S. Senator John Kerry, during a July 16, 2004 speech at the American Federation of Teachers convention in Washington, DC.
13) “While building efficiencies of scale might fit a sound business model, it is the antithesis of sound educational practice.” – Hawaii State Teachers Association Vice President Joan Lewis. (November 1, 2005 Honolulu Advertiser)