New Jersey Left Behind:

Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono on Gov. Christie’s plan to force school districts to use surpluses in lieu of state aid when that money would typically go back to residents in the form of property tax relief: “It’s a solution to the budget crisis that falls disproportionately on the backs of middle-class homeowners, which is something I can’t support.”

Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney
: “So much for a handshake. Governing by executive order and keeping plans secret until the last minute is not bipartisanship.”

Assembly Education Committee Chairman Patrick J. Diegnan, Jr. on Christie’s plans to cut state aid to schools: “Democrats were able last year to increase school aid even as we slashed the state budget, so Gov. Christie’s plan to cut resources for our schools and children is the wrong approach for our state. New Jerseyans have long had a shared commitment to the nearly 1.5 million children in our public schools, but Gov. Christie’s approach steers us in a different direction.”