Charlie Mas

There appears to be a lot of support, right now, among politicians, the media, and rest of the “opinion-making” class, for Education Reform.
I understand that. The Education Reform movement has a lot of very attractive bumper-sticker type slogans that appear to make a lot of very good sense. Who wouldn’t be in favor of firing bad teachers? We’ve all had a bad teacher who should be fired – haven’t we? Even if you haven’t had a bad teacher, you’ve heard the horror stories about them. Who doesn’t think accountability is a good thing? Who wouldn’t support innovation and choice? It all sounds really good and worthy of our support. Morover, anyone who opposes it, such as teachers’ unions, must be doing so for their own selfish purposes.
It’s only when people go past the bumper-stick slogans, get past the anectdotes and myths, and begin to consider the realities that the elements of this vaunted Education Reform start to break down.