
Education is one of the building blocks of society. Educated individuals tend to be happier and healthier, and study after study has found that an educated populace leads to a stronger economy. So what’s behind all these educational benefits? Teachers. To show our appreciation, we here at Education Portal would like to take a moment to reflect on some of the ways in which teachers make a difference in our world.
1. Inspiring
Maybe your love of poetry was inspired by your first grade teacher reading Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends. Or perhaps you became an engineer because of that cool experiment in your fifth-grade science class. So often it is teachers who provide that initial inspiration that becomes a lifelong passion.
2. Encouraging
As a kid, this blogger never had any trouble with reading but was terrified by math. But with the patient encouragement of my teachers, I learned to like – and excel at – math all the way through calculus. When students say ‘I can’t,’ teachers are always there to say ‘yes you can.’