Alan Borsuk:

I wrote several weeks ago (not in the newspaper) that education in Wisconsin was entering “unchartered” waters.
Oops. For one thing, I meant “uncharted” waters. A mental slip.
More important, the waters are, in reality, about to become increasingly chartered. Charter schools are in for major boosts, both in Milwaukee and statewide, if Republican proposals in the Legislature become law. In fact, a big step in that direction may come Wednesday when the state Senate Education Committee takes up three education bills.
But as more charter boats get launched, expectations rise for successful sailing. Will the resulting schools be piloted well? Will they set sail with enough skill and power to carry more kids to success?
“If we’re going to maintain our credibility and maintain legislative support, we’ve got to show that we’re not simply producing large numbers, we’re producing quality schools,” said Dennis Conta, who heads a coalition known as the Milwaukee Charter School Advocates.
Nationwide, the verdict is out on whether charter schools are a worthy innovation. The good ones offer important contributions to school improvement efforts. But, overall, those star schools are far outnumbered by charter schools where things aren’t more successful than nearby conventional schools. Sometimes they’re worse. There is no convincing case that charter schools overall have made things better.