Ernie Suggs and Kristina Torres:

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed for the first time Monday raised the possibility he might try to seek special power to appoint city school board members, as he seeks to speed reforms mandated by the city system’s accrediting agency.
His comments, however, were met cautiously, and are fraught with political and legal implications.
“Full reform may not be able to be passed during this legislative session, but I do believe something can be done,” Reed said, adding that he would ask Gov. Nathan Deal to address the issue during a special reapportionment session in late summer. “If we continue to see the kinds of failures we are seeing now, he should consider adding this as a priority agenda item.”
Reed said that he would ask for the temporary ability to appoint members to the school board, to help “break the logjam that exists around governance and a search for a new superintendent that is transparent.”