Susan Troller:

Under a Republican-sponsored bill, nine political appointees would get to authorize public charter schools while local school districts foot the bill. The creation of this state-wide charter school authorizing board — with members appointed by the governor and the leaders of the state Senate and Assembly — is a key provision of legislation authored by Sen. Alberta Darling of River Hills that will get a hearing on Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Capitol before the Senate Education Committee.
Senate Bill 22 not only de-emphasizes local control, but also creates changes in how teachers are certified and removes caps from the numbers of students who may enroll in virtual schools. A companion bill is also pending in the state Assembly.
Opponents say the proposed changes would not only eliminate local control in favor of a new, politically motivated bureaucracy but would also siphon general aid away from all of Wisconsin’s 424 public school districts in favor of charters. But backers say it will remove current barriers that prevent charter schools from realizing their full potential.
“This bill would get rid of the charter school lite culture we currently have in Wisconsin and allow these schools’ full potential for autonomy, flexibility and innovation to be fully realized,” says John Gee, executive director of the Wisconsin Association for Charter Schools.

School Choice Wisconsin: Milwaukee residents favor school choice expansion