Mary Ma:

Schoolchildren in Canada sing the national anthem in class everyday. It’s also common for US students to recite a pledge of allegiance to their country.
In Hong Kong, most schoolchildren started to learn singing China’s national anthem only after Britain returned its most famous colony to Beijing’s sovereignty in 1997. Now, the SAR government wants to carry national education further, but is ironically chided for political brainwashing.
The criticism is simply strange. During the colonial era, students never had the opportunity to study modern Chinese history. Crucial chapters differentiating between the Republic of China – now Taiwan – and the People’s Republic of China were nowhere to be found in textbooks. It was deliberate as this served the colonial regime’s interest better for locals not to be identified with China.
Last week, the SAR launched a four- month consultation on moral and national education, proposing that primary and secondary schools devote 50 hours per year, or two lessons a week, for students to learn the national anthem, attend national flag-raising ceremonies, understand the Basic Law, support national sports teams, and appreciate Chinese culture and the development of China via current affairs. Teachers would have a large freedom in teaching. This is overdue. After all, it has been nearly 14 years since the handover.