Charlie Mas:

Today brings us a new Seattle Times editorial on education. “Thinking beyond ‘college for all” by Lynne Varner says that education reformers are right to promote college for every student, but they should adopt a broader definition of college, one that includes post-high-school credentials other than baccalaureate degrees.
Of course, this is what Shep Siegel has been saying for years. And I have been saying it as well ever since I heard Dr. Siegel say it. So, welcome to party, Ms Varner. Where ya been?
Here’s the crux: every student should go on from high school to some form of post-secondary education – a four-year college, a two-year college, an apprenticeship, a vocational program, or some sort of training program. All of it is post-secondary education and all of it needs to be included when we think of “college” in the context of “college for all”.