Mike Antonucci:

Teachers’ Unions: Back to the Future. Back in 1998, the Illinois Education Association commissioned the Global Business Network to assess the union’s direction for the next 10-15 years and help devise options for dealing with possible scenarios. The result, a report titled The Future of the Illinois Education Association [3.1MB PDF], is a fascinating read not just for its insights into the union’s strategic thinking, but for which “predictions” it got right and wrong.
I put the scare quotes around “predictions” because GBN was explicit in stating that the possible scenarios it outlined were not predictions, but merely various possibilities for which the union should plan. As the authors put it, “After imaginatively dwelling in each scenario, participants can develop strategic options that are appropriate to managing in just that scenario.”
GBN developed a matrix of four scenarios, based on the variables of strong vs. weak political environments, and strong vs. weak membership connection with the union. Each of the four contains at least some relevance to current events, although other aspects read like one of those “flying car, food pills” science fiction stories written in the 1930s about life in the 1970s.
