50 percent of all high school courses will be taken online by 2019
Clayton M. Christensen and Michael B. Horn:
As a disruptive innovation–an innovation that transforms a sector from one that was previously complicated and expensive into one that is far simpler and more affordable–the rise of online learning carries with it an unprecedented opportunity to transform the schooling system into a student-centric one that can affordably customize for different student needs by allowing all students to learn at their appropriate pace and path, thereby allowing each student to realize her fullest potential.
Whether it does this in the coming years will depend on several variables.
Entrepreneurs and investors–both for-profit and non-profit–are doing their part, as they seek to fashion the future by solving the problems they see students and teachers struggling with today.
Some, like those at Los Altos School District and Rocketship Education, are creating new learning and schooling models and liberating students and teachers.