L.A. Unified bans blindfolding during lessons

Howard Blume:

A new fourth-grade reading program recommends using blindfolds to help students learn about sensory details. But in light of the Miramonte Elementary case, district officials consider it prudent to eliminate the eye coverings.
Who knew that blindfolding students was part of the curriculum in the Los Angeles Unified School District?
It was, until last week, when a senior district official nixed a lesson in a new fourth-grade reading program.
The blindfolding of students attracted notice after the January arrest of Miramonte Elementary teacher Mark Berndt, who has pleaded not guilty to 23 counts of lewd conduct for allegedly photographing students blindfolded and being spoon-fed his semen.
In light of that case, blindfolding “may be perceived negatively,” wrote Deputy Supt. of Instruction Jaime Aquino, in a Feb. 23 memo to principals.