George Lightbourn:

The Public Policy Forum recently published a new report (4MB PDF Link) that, like many previous reports from a variety of think tanks, casts doubt on the fiscal future of Milwaukee Public Schools. However, the PPF report added an interesting twist by throwing down a challenge to state and local political leadership.
It is time “to define where MPS fits into Milwaukee’s education framework,” they concluded, and to “define and secure the resources needed to effectively fulfill that role.”
In other words, quit complaining about MPS and do something. The district, beset with long-term budget woes, is rapidly losing students whose parents want safer, better schools.
Generations of School Boards, superintendents and sympathizers have decried the inadequacy of state school aids. True or not, the more important question is: Will there be more money? While state aid will likely increase, it’s unlikely to match the expectations of some people, including Mayor Tom Barrett. The price tag to fix the state aid “funding flaw” as the mayor advocates is $50 million. Even on his best day, I doubt the mayor could convince the Legislature to write a check for that kind of money.

View the complete Public Policy Forum report on the Milwaukee Public Schools, here (4MB PDF).

It would be interesting to see a peer comparison (State, National & Global) of Madison, as well.