Rising Early: Why Successful People Do It & How You Can Too

Eric Siu:

As a kid, waking up early used to be really tough. Especially for school. My mom would have to hound me at least 3 times each morning to get out of bed because I hated to wake up for something I didn’t really care for. When you grow a little older, things change. Especially as an entrepreneur. Your day becomes filled with different tasks to do and if you’re just starting out, you’re wearing multiple hats and jumping all over the place. And if you have a family, that’s another full time job for you. There’s just so many things happening that it’s hard to stay focused. So what’s the best way to really lock down on important tasks? Join The 5 a.m Club. Simply put, that means wake up at or around 5 a.m in the morning. Let’s look at some examples of people that rise early: