Madison Schools’ Bilingual Plans
The Madison School District (PDF):
Provide overview and implications of current bilingual program guidance and implications for MMSD
Provide update on OMGE Cross-Functional team work and key findings
Provide initial data around access to bilingual programming across the district
Share and obtain feedback on recommended shifts and rationale for future bilingual programming in MMSD
Discuss next steps and general timeline
The Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) has a uniquely rich and diverse student and community population. We promote culturally and linguistically responsive (CLRP) practices that acknowledges the strong cultural heritages of all racial, ethnic and linguistic groups that live in Madison. Our promise is to build on that rich heritage and expand upon it to ensure that all students have the tools they need to achieve their dreams.
The purpose of the bilingual chapter of the overall ELL plan is to provide a clear outline of the suggested changes designed to ensure that consistent, coherent services are provided to every English language learner (ELL) and bilingual learner (BL) in alignment with our vision and goals as well as state and federal mandates. Specifically, this chapter identifies nine shifts in practice as listed below.