History at Oxford:

By the end of our project, on 31 December 2018, you will find here the vast majority of the early evidence for the cult of Christian saints (up to around AD 700), readily accessible and searchable, with key texts presented in their original language, and all with English translations and brief contextual commentary.

At the time of our launch (1 November 2017), only part of the evidence is fully accessible; but this will be added to steadily over the coming months.

It is important to note that this is a database of the surviving early evidence of cult, not a database of all early saints, of whom there will have been many who lived before 700, but for whom there is no unequivocal surviving early evidence of cult.

This database is built on the published work of hundreds of scholars, whom we hope to have credited fully and correctly; if you are unhappy with our use of your material, do please contact us.

We welcome constructive feedback on this database, since a principal aim in making it public before completion is to hear from users.