“Every school, school district, and school network needs to clearly decide whether its fundamental role is to educate children, or to provide jobs for adults.”
“We need to put kids first. We must put the interests of children ahead of the interests of adults, every time. If we are to have any hope of meaningful change, this principle must be our organizing philosophy.
“Every school, school district, and school network needs to clearly decide whether its fundamental role is to educate children, or to provide jobs for adults.
“We must treat the adults — teachers, classroom aides, cafeteria workers, school leaders, etc. — with dignity and respect. Exploitative wages and working conditions are wrong in any setting, and when educators are exploited or demonized, students suffer. But too often, our decisions err on the side of advantaging adults at the expense of kids.”
“We need a comprehensive plan. When it comes to education, no one is leading our city. A few spheres of influence shape the dialogue, make policy and direct funding, but there is no unifying voice to set an agenda, highlight bright spots and call out bad actors across all types of schools.
“We need to build a comprehensive plan to support our schools and students, with the entire community working together toward a common vision.