Julie Palkowski and Susan Rose-Adametz:

Join representatives from Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction who have created an arts education data dashboard using data from their statewide longitudinal data system. Their experience holds lessons for states that seek to report on new indicators of access or quality.

Wisconsin’s dashboard visualizes access to and participation in state arts educational programming over a three-year period. For the first time, educators, policymakers, and parents have information on the condition of arts education at the state, district, and school levels. Next steps in Wisconsin’s journey offer multiple possibilities for increasing arts education opportunities for the state’s learners.

The webinar will describe how the Wisconsin Arts Education Data Project created this new resource, and it will invite participants to share the challenges and opportunities they face in reporting data on areas that have not traditionally figured in states’ reporting systems. Further discussions will address how the process for arts education can inform states’ broader efforts to report on indicators of “well-rounded education.”