But the discrimination does not stop there. English learners (often the very minority students that “equity” seems to target) are placed at the back of the line: “Prioritize your English Language learners meeting with you second and more often.” Below is the screenshot from Madison’s policy:

Unfortunately, this is not the only example of how school districts are allocating resources based on race. In the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District, official district policy is to provide a “particular focus on our black and brown students.” MCPASD also argues that “equity” requires distributing resources to a particular “group of students,” which means non-white students. Middleton also correctly explains that “equity does not mean equal.”

From Elmbrook. In March 2022, WILL published a report from an Elmbrook Assistant Superintendent, who claimed that non-discrimination laws do not apply to white students. Elmbrook subsequently admitted that they didn’t mean what they said, but here is what they said as of March 2022: