Capital hill staff salaries


Several positions for staffers working in district offices received increases of 30 percent or more, including District Scheduler (52 percent), District Aide (41 percent), Regional Director (38 percent), and District Staff Assistant (34 percent).

In the Washington, D.C. office, the biggest increase was seen for Digital Director at 50 percent, Staff Assistant/Legislative Correspondent (47 percent), Communications Assistant (42 percent), Senior Advisor (37 percent), Legislative Correspondent (36 percent), and Press Assistant (30 percent).

Interestingly, the CAO’s analysis looked at the minimum and maximum salaries paid on a position-by-position basis.

The highest permitted maximum of $203,700 were paid to at least one individual staffer in these positions: Caseworker, Chief of Staff, Communications Director, Constituent Liaison, Constituent Services Representative, Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy District Director, District Chief of Staff, District Director, Field Representative, Legislative Assistant, Legislative Director, and Senior Policy Advisor.

At the opposite end of the data, at least one individual in five of the positions listed in the preceding paragraph were paid the minimum salary of $45,000, thus illustrating the wide latitude allowed individual Members in determining pay levels for their staffs, as well as the varying job priorities reflected in those levels.

To read the full dataset, go here, courtesy of Demand Progress.