“It is the 11th straight year that Wisconsin school property taxes will rise”


Still, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau in a June 2021 memo projected that school levies would fall by 2.6 percent on the bills sent out a year ago and 1.9 percent this year.

Instead, they went up 0.3 percent last year and 1.5 percent this year.

In all, 219 districts will see their levies go up on this December’s bills, 186 will see decreases and 16 will see them remain the same.

It is the 11th straight year that statewide school property taxes will rise.

According to the report, voters have approved 456 referendum questions since 2018. That includes 246 for operating budgets and 210 for capital projects.

Levies increased 3.7 percent in the districts that have adopted referendums since 2020, while they fell 1.3 percent in those that have not.