The battleground is consensus of the swarm and your own mind

Robert W Malone:

What is Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW)?

I am a student, not an expert on 5GW, but I certainly am getting rapidly trained in the school of hard knocks. Consequently, in trying to make sense our of this new form of warfare, I have had to rely on true experts. With that in mind, please forgive the following extended quote from “Fourth- and Fifth-Generation Warfare: Technology and Perceptions”, published in 2019 by Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi. Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan, in the San Diego International Law Journal (Volume 21). Dr. Qureshi’s highly footnoted and referenced article can be downloaded for free (PDF) here. For those seeking additional information and context, I also recommend reading The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War?” by Daniel Abbott.